Author Avery Flynn
Format e-book
Print Length 221 pages
Publisher Entangled: Amara
Published June 17, 2019

Now a bet with her friends and my PR nightmare have us both stuck in this go-on-five-dates-with-the-same-person hell situation. But if we band together, we can get the whole thing over with and go on with our lives. It’s perfect! No feelings. No future. No fuc— *ahem* fun. No naked fun.
What could go wrong? Nothing—as long as I remember the rules. Don’t notice the way she looks in a dress. Don’t react when she does that little shivery sigh thing whenever we touch. Don’t think about the fact that she’s never had a toe-curling orgasm that wasn’t self-delivered and just how badly I want to change that.
Five dates—that’s it—and then we go our separate ways. At least, that was the plan..
My Opinion
Caleb knows he is in trouble, a leaked video of him standing by allowing others to bad mouth ladies has hurt his image, more importantly the image of his team, The Ice Knights. Lucy, the Ice Knights, Public Relations guru suggests to the coach and Caleb that a reality tv show of him dating someone his momma picks out would be just the thing. Caleb doesn’t want to do it but he takes one for the team, it helps that his momma is a famous hockey coach and she walked into the meeting telling him to man up. Gemma, Zara’s bestie wants her to find her happily ever after. Since Zara rarely goes on dates, she suggest applying to dating service-one that would help out Zara’s daddy in the process. He is an aspiring actor after all. Five dates here they come!
Zara is a no bars, I am not holding back kinda gal. It is refreshing, it is honest and it is at times brutal. She list rules right up front, and the third being my favorite of all time. I knew that this gal was my soul sister. She likes order, a schedule, and her life just as it is. I can respect that, she doesn’t feel like it is missing anything. Well, except one thing but that is totally not her fault and if I go into details than it will be a spoiler.
Caleb, as the senior player on the video was supposed to step up and tell his teammates to shut up. He didn’t yet I am not so sure that it warranted such a reaction from management that it got. He learns that he has to be a voice, and advocate not just for those that aren’t around but also for himself. He grows a lot in this book and I like it.
The dates are a lot of fun. These two are made for each other, and Anchovy couldn’t be happier. He does sometimes steal the show. You will see what I mean. They are supposed to go on five dates, will they? Honestly, read it- you will laugh like I did.
If you are looking for a lighthearted, fun yet at times very realistic look at romance this is the book for you. I laughed, I sighed, and I even may have said oh my. There is a teaser for the next book at the end and I am totally pre-ordering it.
My Rating 5 out of 5 stars
Favorite Quote Only sociopaths hated mashed potatoes.
Other People
Mom- Caleb’s
Dad- Zara’s
Gemma- bestie
Anchovy- Zara’s dog
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