The Reading Cave is a YA book review blog. YA books are geared to 12-18 year old readers, although thankfully anyone can read them. I am a high school teacher who loves to talk about books to her students. This is partly why I read YA books, the other reason is that they are fun.
This blog will focus on book reviews, although you may see other post. It may take me a week to post a review or it could take me two days. Reviewing time does depend on several things: time of year (testing), my family, and well life in general. There are also weekly memes that I will try to do.Currently Accepting
am currently accepting select Young Adult books for review. I accept ARCs, finished copies and
e-books. If your book is part of a
series I may need the previous books.
Actual books are great, once I am done I tend to give them away to
students. I love reading e-books on my
kindle. If you would like to send me
your book please contact me at
blog is a YA blog, meaning I tend to read young adult books. I am a high school teacher; my occupation has
led me to read young adult fiction. I do
this so that I may recommend books to my students. Genre
enjoy YA fiction in the following genres:
o Paranormal
o Paranormal Romance
o Urban fantasy
o Mystery
o Contemporary
o Dystopian
o Steampunk

I write fair and honest reviews, but this does not mean I will always write positive reviews. My reviews are my opinion, and if I don’t enjoy a book then my review will reflect that. I however, will not bash the book. I will strive to explain why the book in question did not work for me personally. I do NOT write nasty or snarky commentary.
getting through a book is not worth it. If
this happens, I reserve the right to not finish a book and not review it. While
this is rare it does happen. Never fear,
you will be contacted explaining why a review never went up.
am more than happy to host author interviews, character interviews and giveaways
for your book.
Hi I came across your blog while going through my email.. I'm looking for childrens picture book. blog, and unfortuantly they are hard to find--if you know of any please let me know. I have writen 2 childrens book, and i'm looking for reviews.
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