Format e-book
Print Length 416 pages
Publisher Razorbill
Published June 27, 2017

A refugee of war, Mira was cast out of her home country and thrust into another, where the conditions were inhospitable at best. In a life-altering twist of fate, she is given the chance to escape once more, and she takes it, joining the Glittering Court.
Both a school and a business venture, the Glittering Court is designed to transform impoverished girls into upper-class ladies who appear destined for powerful and wealthy marriages in the New World. There, Mira finds herself subjected to persecution, not only from her fellow Glittering Court jewels, but from her suitors, as well—men she would potentially be expected to give her life to.
By day, she goes through the motions, learning the etiquette and customs that will help to earn her anonymity, even making a couple true friends in the process, the forthright ladies’ maid Adelaide and the ambitious laundress Tamsin. But by night, Mira hatches a different plan entirely—one that, if exposed, could get her hanged in the highest court of Adoria.
MIDNIGHT JEWEL is the extraordinary story of a girl with few options who courageously forges a new path, finding love, passion, lifelong friendships, and maybe even a way to freedom.
My Opinion
This is the second book in The Glittering Court series. It starts at the beginning of Mira’s tell so there is some overlap with things that you saw in the first book, The Glittering Court. That being said the overlap is not a re-hashing of everything. It is looking at it through a different perspective and a pretty amazing experience for a reader who always wonders what the other characters in the story are thinking. This time we find out, and I pretty much dug the whole experience so much so that I am dying to get my hands on Tamsin’s story cause girl gots some grit to her. Back to Mira’s tell though, this girl sure is feisty with a moral compass that will leave you spin right round baby!
Cedric used his pull with his dad and uncle to get Mira into The Glittering Court. She is suppose to be learning how to be a lady to land a wealthy hubby and live richly ever after. Her true goal is to find her brother who went missing in the New World as well as pay off his debt. Mira is a girl to be reconked with.
Mira is a strong female character. She is use to discrimination and hatred both because of her ethnicity and her looks. Which is sad since she gives off exotic sense about her with a splash of the mysterious. She always tries to look out for the underdog, in any situation which has endeared her to me. I love that she has a hidden identity in the series and what that identity is about.
Grant is the love interest in the story. It took me a while to warm up to him, as he is kinda hard in the beginning. His story is a sad one and I don’t want to ruin it for you. I understand why he was distant though it did no good as our gal Mira warmed her way into his heart anyway. He does tend to led her into dangerous situations and then gets her back out of them.
Overall, I enjoyed this reading experience. Yes, experience as I have rarely read a series that shows the same story from a different perspective that is not a love interest. I cannot wait for Tamsin’s story as she is the bestie that I liked the least but I am betting grew the most from this experience.
My Rating 4 out of 5 stars
Favorite Quote You were supposed to go chase your obsession.
Other People
Adelaide- Mira’s bestie, she is hiding something
Tamsin- Mira’s other bestie, will do anything to get a head
Clara- mean girl
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