Format e-book
Print Length 295 pages
Publisher self
Published July 11, 2016

Rival Magic is the fourth book in the Dragon Born Serafina urban fantasy series.
My Opinion
The Dragon Born Serafina series comes to a close. Alden is still gathering followers, for what means we have no clue. He is still mentally attacking Sera as well. We finally find that he wants to end humanity and of course take over the world. Well buster not with Sera and Kai in the way.
A lot of this book focuses on their relationship. How letting go of insecurities will allow them to more forward. I had a hard time buying that after three book, Kai Drachenburg would be as insecure as he is made out to be. I mean, he is Kai Drachenburg, the dragon mage that everyone fears. Why he would doubt Sera’s feelings for him was a hard pill to swallow.
After all these monsters, and mages after Sera- she hasn’t changed. Still the fierce mercenary with a smart mouth. Still the protector of the innocent, regardless of how little she is paid. Her ability to resist Alden’s relentless pursuit is admirable. She doesn’t turn even with other mages had.
The Council- what a load of idiots- from their reaction to Alden, the issues in Europe to their utter hatred of Dragon Born mages. They never once redeem themselves. How did these people get their position? It must have been hereditary, with their inner breeding causing stupidity into their bloodlines. I was in complete dismay with their reaction to Sera being a Dragon Born mage.
Logan and Alex are in this one a fair bit. Naomi, not so much although our favorite hybrid does pull through in the end.
These books are always a fast light read. That each of these woman have their own series that intertwines with each other is pretty neat. Even though this is the last in Sera’s series, the author notes that they will be back in a brand new one. Which kinda makes me smile.
My Rating 3 out of 5 stars
Favorite Quote “Do you think you could pull up our Wonder Woman?”
Other People
Alex- Sera’s twin sister
Riley- Sera’s brother
Naomi- Sera’s partner, and half fairy
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