Format: eBook
Print Length:370 pages
Publisher: K-Teen
Published: Sept. 11, 2012
But all that changes when the Lynburns return.
The Lynburn family has owned the spectacular and sinister manor that overlooks Sorry-in-the-Vale for centuries. The mysterious twin sisters who abandoned their ancestral home a generation ago are back, along with their teenage sons, Jared and Ash, one of whom is eerily familiar to Kami. Kami is not one to shy away from the unknown—in fact, she’s determined to find answers for all the questions Sorry-in-the-Vale is suddenly posing. Who is responsible for the bloody deeds in the depths of the woods? What is her own mother hiding? And now that her imaginary friend has become a real boy, does she still love him? Does she hate him? Can she trust him?
My Thoughts
Can you imagine being able to have a conversation in your
head with someone you’ve never met? Can
you imagine thinking that this person doesn’t really exist and yet still be
comforted by their presence? Imagine
this person being always on your side. The
one person you could always count on.
Imagine having to pretend this person isn’t real!
Imagine growing up with one person who always believed in
you. A person that regardless of
everything was on your side. A person
you loved, who loves you back unconditionally.
Someone who comforts you when you’re scared, laughs at your jokes and
listens to you babble. The only problem-
you’ve never met and no one else has spoken to him. For 16 years you have talked to this person
in your head- your imaginary friend. You’ve
hid them away from everyone else to avoid being labeled crazy.
Then one day out of the blue, the voice has a face. An actual face attached to a body standing
right in front of you. What would you
do? Would you stay away from him or
would you try to get closer? Would you
be too shocked to do anything?
As your shock wears off and you get to know the real person
behind the voice, you begin to see just why you love them. You understand why they need you to love
them. Yet, people talk. With talk comes doubt. They say your connection could kill him. They say that you could control him. They say that it is best if you break away from
him. What would you do?
Kami is strong, and smart.
She does not listen to idle gossip- instead she investigates it. Only her investigation is causing attempts on
her life. Jared just moved to the
Sorry-in-the-Vale. He looks rough, not
as polished as his uppity cousin. They
are blaming him for the bad things that are happening. His only concern is protecting Kami. He is wary of their connection, but clings to
it. She is his one and only- she just
has to acknowledge it. Until she does he
will protect her, watch over her and maybe just maybe love her.
Unspoken blew my mind away.
What a fabulous story. I
absolutely adore Kami. Jared is the
perfect non-perfect hero. Their
relationship before they meet is one of the most solid and real relationships
ever portrayed on paper. The distance between
them that meeting causes is believable and heartbreaking. At the end of the book, my heart ached for
Kami. How? Why?
Seriously how much long do I have to wait for the sequel? Will what happened get fixed? Can someone please do away with Ash- he was
the annoyingly perfect cousin. Of
course, I have a soft spot for Kami’s best friend Angela. She well, she hates people and I love that. Hilarious!
Run do not walk to the bookstore and grab this book. It will be well worth it.
My Rating 5 out of 5 stars
Other Characters
Holly- beautiful gal
at Kami’s school that cons her way into their group.
Angela- Kami’s anti-people best friend.
Ash- Jared’s perfect cousin, me hates him.
Before you read this amazingly fabulous story- you could preview the characters with the short stories that are linked below.

Jared's story: The Spring Before I Met You
Kami's story: The Summer Before I Met You
Angela- Kami’s anti-people best friend.
Ash- Jared’s perfect cousin, me hates him.
Before you read this amazingly fabulous story- you could preview the characters with the short stories that are linked below.

Kami's story: The Summer Before I Met You
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