Saturday, November 24, 2018

Book Trailer Saturday (47) Aimless Witch

Some people believe you can fall in love at first sight. When it comes to books I believe those people. Book trailers are an excellent way to fall in love at first sight. I hope to feature a book trailer here every Saturday to help you fall in love at first sigh...

From the world of Rylee Adamson and the Elemental Seriescomes a heroine with nothing to lose and everything to prove….

My name is Pamela, and I am a witch who has no equal. 

Or so I thought. 

It has been three years since the Destroyer sundered our world. The land is longer whole, but broken into pieces, most technology gone, and the continents shattered into an unrecognizable place. 

New monsters have risen from the depths, adding danger on top of danger. Through it all the humans fight to survive as they compete not only with the supernaturals for food and resources, but their own kind as well. 

And me? The caravans of humans I pass, they look to me to save them. 

Only I am not the witch I once was. Bound by those who fear my power and my bloodline, I’m lucky if I can light a match with my magic, never mind protect anyone but myself. 

Now, the darkness in me rises, offering me all that I want. Freedom from the chains I wear, and the power to make everything right. But if I embrace the darkness I will face a cost I could never have imagined…

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