Format e-ARC
Print Length 201 pages
Publisher Entangled: Crush
Published Feb. 13, 2017

er Prince, hot-and-bashful son of the family running the rival sporting goods store. Their fancy sales strategies are driving Elena’s family out of business. Elena’s mystery boy has teamed up with her in their latest sales strategy, an augmented reality game, to help her win the grand-prize plane tickets. Money’s so tight Elena’s going to miss senior year spring break with her friends if she can’t win this game.
The girl Oliver's fallen head-over-heels for online had better not be Elena Chestnut. She's his angry, vindictive Latin tutor, the daughter of his dad’s business rival, and the one girl he’d never even think of kissing. She’s definitely not his online crush, because that girl is funny, sweet, and perfect.
When Oliver asks to reveal their names at the Valentine’s Day dance, their IRL relationship will either ruin what they have online, or they’ll discover just how thin the line between love and hate really is.
My Opinion
The perfect Valentine’s Day read.
Elena and Oliver’s family have been fueding since before they were born. Their granparents use to be bffs who did everything together-even going into business together. As the old saying goes money and friends don’t mix. So Elena and Oliver hate each other because they are suppose to, not because they want to. To make matter’s worse, Elena’s family business is going struggling. Oliver’s family business on the other hand is flourishing largely due to an app that he wrote, Stash Grab.
I instantly connected with Oliver. He is the mastermind behind Stash Grab and yet his mom sweeps in and takes his computer away because he is not as social as his sister. Yes, they are twins but come on lady they are not suppose to be the same individual. As a parent this annoyed me to no end- I think I got more annoyed with his mom than even Oliver did. So his escape is taken away, just as he and the family business is gaining success. Oliver is cute and tries, but he is shy. There is nothing wrong with this and for his mom to advocate that there is- yeah woman got on my nerves.
Elena was harder to connect to as she was a bit of a witch to Oliver. As in always short and snappy with him, she was madder than a wet hen and taking it out on him. I couldn’t connect with that although I did try to understand where she was coming from as her family business was going under and so she blamed the Price family- which mean Oliver.
Any Boy But You has the delightfulness of Gilmore Girls and the feels f You’ve Got Mail all wrapped up nicely in a contemporary young adult novel. I could totally see this one being played out on the big screen as a rom-com. An adorable read, fair warning though Elena may just get on your nerves
My Rating 4 out of 5 stars
Favorite Quote “Reports of her evilness have been greatly exaggerated.”
Other People
Harper- Elena’s bestie
Regina- Oliver’s twin
Craig- no clue but he shows up a lot sort of like Kirk on Gilmore Girls
It sounds like a very cute read! And if it's a sort of Gilmore Girls and You’ve Got Mail mix, I think I could really enjoy it as well :)